Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Little India

There is a little scenic spot from the window of my bedroom up here in the slums of SS15.I can see a patch of greens not far from here, it appeals to me as a series of unexplored jungle, in which really shakes my curiosity and imagination of what is there. Every time I lay my eyes on it, it gives me the sort of impression that it is a land full of mystical characters, it is also probably due to the peculiar upstanding of two coconut trees in the middle of the green patch. I sometimes think that these small little wonders in which we perceive things prove amusing, for it is only through these individual perceptive, that truly distinguish each and everyone of us. Every time I think of India, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is a land of mystics, land of the ancients, and of course land of the Buddha. True, I am a Buddhist after all. Unfortunate of that I am, I have just realize of my religion just today, for this matter-religion comes to be a somewhat complicated issue to realize. Doctrines after doctrines, we seek to find the ones that appeals to us, sadly that isn't as easy as some people perceive it to be. Some doctrines require people to rage wars, some doctrines just want peace, some claim that theirs is the true faith, and yet some declares none the true faith. So who or which is right and which is wrong?      

     Everybody regards matters their own ways, hence everybody is different in thinking, simply enough.

      The little green patch isn't as amusing to me as before anymore, I feel that the feeling will return again later in the day, but as for now, the little green patch as it is, has reverted itself back to its usual position, in a manner of speaking. It is that certain 'little moment' that we see and feel things that are different. Inspiration comes in a sneaky manner, it comes, it goes, some may feel it, some may not, but it is there, I assure you.

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