Sunday, May 3, 2009


  Sick is the thought of it. It is a thought to think of how the human brain percieve and concieve the meaning of the emotions felt at that momment. To think, to feel ,to touch, to sense...all of these contributes to the neurones needed to feel the ultimate sensation. 

  It is sickening, the thought of it. Why and why is the result in this outcome possible? A mystery to be solved! But the probability of solving the puzzle puzzles me yet, to the extent of denying all plausible deniability. The mind still plays tricks on the sight of the eyes. The soul immerses itself with the sense of guilt and hope for salvation. A wait that will never arrise to the occasion.

  Too sick to be thought, the thought of it. The sweet sensation when sight first encounter, there still is the sweet sweet sensation. Fie on me! Why harbour such horrific thoughts? To let an ant ruin a city? Ha! not on my watch. However, perhaps the circumstances called onto, does seem to apply to the situation.

  Sigh, the sickness is overwhelming...To sick to be sickening, yet sickening enough to reach the status of 'Sick". A guilty feeling, a sense of regret, a sin....All these, are dangerous to the mind.

  The mind is afterall, the temple, of the human soul.

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