Friday, May 22, 2009


  I wonder, why do we define the things in which we see or think, just as to justify the meaning or experiences, well , experience? Is it a need, an essential need to define the emotions, the feelings, the actions and or perceptions within our sight? Every detail, its all about defining this, I define my life, Life is define refined, I am what I define, and so forth. 

  Yes, its a sickening, to the thought of it. But yet, we as a human race, are inevitably drawn towards defining the every detail of life. So I bring us to the question of "why"... Why do we think definition defines the definite of our infinite life? There's just no answer to it. 

  For example, a pencil. A pencil is indeed a tool, so why should we draw to ourselves the definition of the tool. A tool put simply, is a subject of use, to handle or to apply and or imply things to. Another fine example, life. Life is so everlastingly defined by everybody in the world. Life as it seems, is viewed at different perceptions, different view points by every individual in the world. Have we ever come to the thought, that life is just too short to be defined?

  The whole point of this issue at hand, is that we should be taking more action, rather than speaking or writing philosophically. It is just too fake. But hey, the pot doth call the kettle black. Its a world of contradictions. Be it as it may, contradictions is what make this world go round.

  I do laugh at the people who stop, and smell the roses. However so, we do seem to get busier by the day to do such leisure activities now, aren't we?

  Well, my conclusion stands at where and how we should not define the definite infinite. Simply enough.

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