Friday, May 22, 2009


  I wonder, why do we define the things in which we see or think, just as to justify the meaning or experiences, well , experience? Is it a need, an essential need to define the emotions, the feelings, the actions and or perceptions within our sight? Every detail, its all about defining this, I define my life, Life is define refined, I am what I define, and so forth. 

  Yes, its a sickening, to the thought of it. But yet, we as a human race, are inevitably drawn towards defining the every detail of life. So I bring us to the question of "why"... Why do we think definition defines the definite of our infinite life? There's just no answer to it. 

  For example, a pencil. A pencil is indeed a tool, so why should we draw to ourselves the definition of the tool. A tool put simply, is a subject of use, to handle or to apply and or imply things to. Another fine example, life. Life is so everlastingly defined by everybody in the world. Life as it seems, is viewed at different perceptions, different view points by every individual in the world. Have we ever come to the thought, that life is just too short to be defined?

  The whole point of this issue at hand, is that we should be taking more action, rather than speaking or writing philosophically. It is just too fake. But hey, the pot doth call the kettle black. Its a world of contradictions. Be it as it may, contradictions is what make this world go round.

  I do laugh at the people who stop, and smell the roses. However so, we do seem to get busier by the day to do such leisure activities now, aren't we?

  Well, my conclusion stands at where and how we should not define the definite infinite. Simply enough.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


  Sick is the thought of it. It is a thought to think of how the human brain percieve and concieve the meaning of the emotions felt at that momment. To think, to feel ,to touch, to sense...all of these contributes to the neurones needed to feel the ultimate sensation. 

  It is sickening, the thought of it. Why and why is the result in this outcome possible? A mystery to be solved! But the probability of solving the puzzle puzzles me yet, to the extent of denying all plausible deniability. The mind still plays tricks on the sight of the eyes. The soul immerses itself with the sense of guilt and hope for salvation. A wait that will never arrise to the occasion.

  Too sick to be thought, the thought of it. The sweet sensation when sight first encounter, there still is the sweet sweet sensation. Fie on me! Why harbour such horrific thoughts? To let an ant ruin a city? Ha! not on my watch. However, perhaps the circumstances called onto, does seem to apply to the situation.

  Sigh, the sickness is overwhelming...To sick to be sickening, yet sickening enough to reach the status of 'Sick". A guilty feeling, a sense of regret, a sin....All these, are dangerous to the mind.

  The mind is afterall, the temple, of the human soul.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Unrequited Love

The sky that roared and poured with rage,
shan't touch the ounce of flesh's wage.

Through and through it does with savage,
laugh; we do at its sage.

The winds do blow on to the walls,
cold and misty do surround.
As we lay pen in the halls,
All we can do, is to pray, pray with sound.

Pray as we do with might,
secure the wounds so it is tight.

As we pray with hearts so big,
All theres left to do is dig.
Dig to the ground I say!
Dig with passion, dig with gay.
Dig your hearts out and of more,
Dig until the rain stops pour.

The bow that strikes its temper on,
shall see to it, we will go on.

We shan't fear the inch of God's wrath,
Fear? Far from it, as are the goth.
We shall not quiver like a hen,
Hark, for we are Men.

Men that feeds upon the fears,
of people who art in God's ears.

Strike and smite thee's hand down,
we shall not budge, as we do not fear.
Go on up, monster wear your sleeping gown,
For it is us, whom you should fear.

Tis vile of you to say that you are,
For you aren't you,as I am as we are.
So who are you, as I am I?
The answer lies in the hearts of your eye.

Cold, dark, misty and foggy,
wet,twirl,drill and soggy.
Grey, black, dull and green,
foreign to me, as I have seen.

The day do shake in the lights of such,
for it is the devil's wake, in plight of much.
A thousand years have come and gone,
Its Lucifer's time to see the bright gone.

Lights off !!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Man Overboard

Deep down tonight, I am thinking on myself. Have I gone overboard this time? It seems however that I am guilty of it on the whole. I have neglected the feelings of others, especially to those around me. Why and how have I neglected them? I do not know. Perhaps I have underestimated the limits of the rest.

But the question remains the same. How did I let myself go astray with all these issues? I should be the one who notices the turning points of the interchanging emotions, I should be the one who puts limits to limits, I should be the one who stopped. But why did I still let myself proceed? Perhaps I had led myself into thinking that "they wouldn't mind a thing", or maybe that they did not take into their hearts of what have been said or done.

But I was wrong, wrong to the core on how I perceive things. Why had I perceive them in this manner? I sometimes wonder myself of the matters that surrounds my thoughts. Am I really that stubborn to let some silly perception cloud my thinking? I do not think so. I thought the better of myself, that is until today.

1 year has past and gone away,
yet I still led illusions to cloud my way.
How long still would I have to endure,
the mindless ways of my posture.

There are many, many things that I would say and do, though sadly enough, time and tide dose wait for no man.

So what shall I do for now?

I shall STOP.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Little India

There is a little scenic spot from the window of my bedroom up here in the slums of SS15.I can see a patch of greens not far from here, it appeals to me as a series of unexplored jungle, in which really shakes my curiosity and imagination of what is there. Every time I lay my eyes on it, it gives me the sort of impression that it is a land full of mystical characters, it is also probably due to the peculiar upstanding of two coconut trees in the middle of the green patch. I sometimes think that these small little wonders in which we perceive things prove amusing, for it is only through these individual perceptive, that truly distinguish each and everyone of us. Every time I think of India, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is a land of mystics, land of the ancients, and of course land of the Buddha. True, I am a Buddhist after all. Unfortunate of that I am, I have just realize of my religion just today, for this matter-religion comes to be a somewhat complicated issue to realize. Doctrines after doctrines, we seek to find the ones that appeals to us, sadly that isn't as easy as some people perceive it to be. Some doctrines require people to rage wars, some doctrines just want peace, some claim that theirs is the true faith, and yet some declares none the true faith. So who or which is right and which is wrong?      

     Everybody regards matters their own ways, hence everybody is different in thinking, simply enough.

      The little green patch isn't as amusing to me as before anymore, I feel that the feeling will return again later in the day, but as for now, the little green patch as it is, has reverted itself back to its usual position, in a manner of speaking. It is that certain 'little moment' that we see and feel things that are different. Inspiration comes in a sneaky manner, it comes, it goes, some may feel it, some may not, but it is there, I assure you.

Looking Within

The morning breaks with a light rain over the beds of  the neighbourhood, I peeked outside the window to see what type of activity ponders over the people of the morning hour. My morning mainly consisted of  plainly wasting my time away, surfing the net. The afternoon sight fills my eyes with the shade of a dull grey and or blue, having me remembering days like these which I had many years ago. I ponder on myself of how the years have gone by, of how I use to spend my Saturday afternoons like these finishing up piano classes, and going out with my parents. Sometimes I wish I could just turn the clock back...But then, who doesn't? Thinking about all these makes me ponder yet again on the jouney I have taken to reach where I am right now. I think of all the feats I had in high school, none of them have surely prepared me for this. But then again also, who is? Its funny how the way things are in reality,compare to how people concieve things they planned. Originally,I forsaw myself being one of the most succesful person in the history of my country, but sadly, those are just dreams...Sometimes,I figured that our dreams have to be given up,for the purpose of survival. In other words, dreams are better off seen as dreams in itself, rather than a "forshadow" of youself in the future. Being a hipocrite myself, I still want to believe in my dreams, I still want to believe that my dreams will one day prevail. But who am I to believe in such absurd matters? I feel that it is only worth believing if you really have the commitment to work for it. I am sure of myself that I lack the commitment. Why is this so? I think that I myself is afraid of having commitments into achieving my dream. This is because, to have a commitment, I would have to sacrifice many things which are deemed 'important' to me. I would have to sacrifice my sleeping time, my eating habits, my freedom. But then again, we must sacrifice certain things to achieve a higher goal in our lives. What say you?